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V20 Update 2


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9. Februar 2023
Hi 3cx!

We are using currently one 3cx V20 Server and we stopped updating all our other servers to update becouse we are missing basic features like:
-Wireshark capture (how should we analyse SIP traffic in V20 ? without wireshark ? )
-Bridge: i can create a bridge inbetween V18 and V20 but iam missing the feature to send extension information over the bridge
-Desktop Client: the new Desktop Client from MS Store is not cool - it looks and feels like 2010 ? IMHO

I read that you plan the implementation from Wireshark with Update 2 - when will it arrive ? (round about)
We will the Bridge be working properly again ?

Best regards
-Bridge: i can create a bridge inbetween V18 and V20 but iam missing the feature to send extension information over the bridge
We will the Bridge be working properly again ?
With update 1, since yesterday.
you sure ?
it is not mentioned here:

and it is still Beta ... any Plans for RC1 ?
Yes Presence is working now in V20. Thats Good!
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