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Unassigning Phones to Extension


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13. Februar 2015

as far as I know, there is no way to unassign a phone from an extension. This is really a pain for managing the system. At the moment you cannot assign a phone to a new extension, unless you have deleted the old extension first, or you somehow killed the MAC by pasting a new MAC above.

At the moment the use of the "add to existing extension" functionality will get you in a dead-end, if there has been an other phone assinged before. Once you add an extension this way, there will still be the "old" extension" and you cannot get rid of it. Sometimes the number of phones for an extension changes and there simply is no way to delete (unassign) a phone from the extension.

Deleting the extension is a pain, because you loose all the settings and sometimes other phones are assigned to the extension and are ment to stay.

How do you guys handle this? Am I missing something?

Of cource I am using work-arounds, too. Like pasting one MAC address over an old MAC address, deleting extensions etc. but I think the "unassigning" of phones to extensions is really a core functionality, which would make our beloved system a lot more easier to handle for me.

Best regards Frank
Hello Frank,

I "unassing" a Phone at the Extension the folowing way:

Open the Extension
delete the MAC Adress
and selecte Telephone Model: "Select Telephone Model"
Than save the extension


Hello Peter,

thank you so much. This is what I was looking for. I had tried to delete the MAC and to choose "Select Telphone Model" but not both at the same time.
Works like a charm.

Regards Frank

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